Health and Safety –
As the Managing Director of Excel Electrical, I am committed to ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the workplace health and safety of my employees, sub-contractors and visitors to our places of work along with any other persons that may be affected by our day to day work activities. I shall ensure that a risk management approach is adopted in our work activities and that work is carried out in compliance with the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005, Construction Regulations of 2006, General Application Regulations 2007 and all other associated Regulations, Codes and Standards. I believe that all accidents are preventable and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure accident prevention in the workplace.
Health and safety policies and procedures shall be developed in consultation with staff, revised on a yearly basis or as required by changes in legislation and communicated to employees through regular safety meetings.
I shall provide and maintain the company’s equipment in safe working order, records of inspection and testing shall be maintained. Where necessary, employees shall be provided with personal protective equipment and trained in its correct use.
Relevant safety training shall be provided to all staff to ensure that they can carry out their work activities in a safe manner. All of us in the workplace are required to adhere to our responsibilities as outlined in this Safety Statement.
Fetec 5 Health and Safety Qualified – Ambrose Martin
Certification –
– NSAI – ISEN 50131 – Intruder alarm
– NSAI – ISEN 50132 – CCTV
– NSAI – IS3217:2008 – Emergency Lighting
– NSAI – European Standard SR 40 – Door Access
– NSAI – IS3218:2009 Fire alarm – Link to Security website
– Fetec 5 Health and Safety
– PSA Security Certified – Link to Security Website
– Accredited PAT testing ( Portable Appliance Testing)
– Nexans Network